Support project evaluation and learning exercises for the NAMA Facility
Responding to climate change and reducing global emissions is the most critical issue today. A changing climate threatens economic development, lives and livelihoods – and it affects those who are already poor and disadvantaged the hardest.
Project description
The NAMA Facility was jointly established in 2013 by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to provide support to developing countries and countries with emerging economies that show leadership in tackling climate change and that want to implement transformational country-led Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).
The vision of the NAMA Facility is to support developing and emerging economies to increase the transformational impact of their Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions to ultimately accelerate the global transition to a low carbon society in line with the 1.5/2 °C international climate goal. The Facility directly pursues this vision by providing technical and financial assistance to NAMA Support Projects (NSPs) related to specific mitigation actions with highly transformative potential supporting overarching NAMAs.
The learning and evaluation exercises shall hence be conducted in an integrative approach, allowing those implementing and stirring the change processes to participate in the learning process from the design of the individual approach to the final learning products. The learning process shall enable implementers to adjust and improve their approach based on specific recommendations and the joint learning process.
Our main objective is to generate knowledge and enable learning for implementers and local policy makers, the NAMA Facility and interested stakeholders:
- Promote learning for it to be regularly generated, analysed, disseminated and mainstreamed into the design and delivery cycles of the NSPs and the NAMA Facility
- Promote accountability of the NSPs and the NAMA Facility results, particularly in terms of GHG reductions at the project, sector, and Facility levels, transformational change, and scaling-up of public and private climate finance
Specific objectives:
- Develop the theoretical framework (FW) guiding the mid-term and end-of-project evaluation and learning exercises (ELEs) of the NSPs
- Design and conduct 17 mid-term and end-of-project 20 evaluation and learning exercises of NSPs, based on the FW and NSP-specific factors
- Produce three intermediate and one final synthesis reports structured as comparative meta-analysis of the key findings and lessons from the NSP evaluation and learning exercises
AMBERO Consulting Gesellschaft mbH
Westerbachstraße 3
D-61476 Kronberg i.Ts.
Phone: +49 6173 325 40 0
Fax: +49 6173 325 40 22
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