Participatory and Integrated Land Use Planning (PILUP) II
About 78 % of Ethiopia’s population lives in rural areas. However, this share is declining rapidly, with an annual growth rate of urban settlements of 4.7%. In most parts of the country, there is an unregulated expansion of settlement area. The government’s objective of achieving the status of a middle-income country reinforces this trend. At the same time, the gov-ernment promotes investment in land for agricultural production. Com-bined with high population growth of 2.6% (2019), these factors are lead-ing to increasing competition for land areas.
In the absence of effective participatory mechanisms beyond the local level, there is only very limited consideration given to the interests of the local population, private sector, civil society groups, disadvantaged and/or vulnerable groups.
Additionally, there’s a lack of competence to define planned, transparent rules and procedures for ILUP that comply with human rights standards. The technical equipment and capacities of relevant national and regional authorities is inadequate. There is a lack of training capacity for academic education and vocational training related to spatial planning, and partici-pation mechanisms are inadequate for all stakeholders.
Project description
The Integrated Land Use Planning project in Ethiopia is a program commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The overall aim of the project is to improve the institutional and regulatory framework for integrated land use planning at national level and in selected regions in accordance with international human rights standards.
AMBERO-AHT is specifically implementing activities for Outputs 2 and 3, which aim to strengthen the capacities of public authorities and other stakeholders to apply planning procedures in line with international human rights standards, as well as to improve training and further education opportunities for professionals in integrated land use planning at various professional levels.
Find out more about this project by reading the newsletter „Chronicles of the PILUP II“.
The contractor provides advisory contributing to the project objective along the following project phases with its key tasks:
- Phase 1 (Inception): The consultancy team to develop an approach and advise GIZ on adaption needs of the proposed methodologies (Proxy and Kirkpatrick) and definition of proxy for the data collection. Furthermore, collection and assessment of secondary data for the banana and cacao supply chain.
- Phase 2 (Data Collection): Collection of secondary and primary data (conduct expert interviews, focal groups in line with the assessment approach developed).
- Phase 3 (Baseline and Target Values): Validation of the methodological approach results after phases 1 and 2. A data validation workshop to present the baseline study (including inputs for the achievement of target values).
- Phase 4 (Annual Data Collection and Target Value achievement): After having trialed and adapted the methodology/questionnaires for conducting the base line on gross margin and employment development, repetition of the data collection on an annual base to identify developments regarding productivity, income and employment in the proxy farms. Provide continuous advice on how to achieve the targeted values.
AMBERO Consulting Gesellschaft mbH
Westerbachstraße 3
D-61476 Kronberg i.Ts.
Phone: +49 6173 325 40 0
Fax: +49 6173 325 40 22
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