Strengthening TVET in Ethiopia in smoother Pathways to career – STEP
Unemployment and underemployment are serious problems in Ethiopia. To address youth labour market participation and employment rates, Ethiopia’s National TVET* Strategy must respond to the competence needs of the labour market and create a competent, motivated, and adaptable workforce capable of driving economic growth and development.
(*Technical and Vocational Education Training)
Project description
The STEP project organizes and implement sustainable capacity building activities and cooperation among three Ethiopian TVET colleges in the region of Addis Ababa (Oromia), Dire Dawe (Afar), and Bahir Dar (Amhara) in Ethiopia. The general objective is to create an inclusive smooth transition from TVET to a career, overcoming the skills mismatch and making TVET more inclusive and attractive for all, leading to less dropouts.
The fields of activities of the project are career guidance and entrepreneurship, guidance of students, gender inclusion, pedagogical techniques, and incubation.
The TVET colleges develop an action plan for gender inclusion and sustainable cooperation with the TVET colleges and private sector. The career guidance and incubation centres will be strengthened in a way that students can prepare themselves in the best way for their career.
This project provides substantive support and capacity-building for the Sustainable Development Goals “Quality Education” and “Decent work and Economic Growth” and their related thematic issues.
This project is implemented by AMBERO Consulting Gesellschaft mbH in a Consortium with CINOP, DIRE DAWE COLLEGE and TEGBARE-ID-COLLEGE.
Work package 1: Reinforce the link between the private sector and TVET. Organization of activities for making the private sector aware of the importance of investing in their potential future employees via cooperative training and their involvement in TVET. We organize 6 round table sessions (2 in each TVET region) with involvement of private sector companies. Besides, we will set up an -easy to use- platform to make visible the demand and offer for internships.
Work package 2: Capacity building in teaching and teaching materials. In cooperation with the private sector, we develop a set of knowledge, skills and competences that are related to entrepreneurial mindset and attitude. Training of trainer (ToT) session will be organized with the focus on the entrepreneurial competences and the adoption in existing learning material and curricula. A ToT for TVET staff will be organized on career guidance towards the labour market, with a special focus on career and TVET opportunities for women.
Work package 3: Use of digital innovation approaches. The set of EntreComp will be translated into an innovative training module with the help of Immersive 360 Virtual Reality (VR), an innovative learning method for trainers to teach skills and competences in a 360-video virtual reality environment. Students must demonstrate their problem-solving skills. It is crucial to create an element of innovative training for students and private sector. Not only in terms of skills and competences, but also in learning methods and making students more proactive, creative, and providing them the correct attitude to work in the private sector.
Work package 4: Improve job perspectives. TVET colleges might have set up incubation or career centres. ToT will be built around their needs that come from the state of the art. In this ToT we train trainers on how to support students in career and start-ups. In a competition, some selected (gender balanced!!) students are invited to demonstrate their start up plan.
Sustainable Development Goals
This project acts on implementing the following Sustainable Development Goals:
AMBERO Consulting Gesellschaft mbH
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